Goat Petting.

"Excuse, me?"
"Yeah, a guy doing road work stopped by, and wanted to know if he could pet our goats."
Oddly enough, this was not that out of the ordinary, as far a conversations with my wife go.
Our life, to this point, was a almost comical series of stories and experiences that all had a kind of "these people are full of shit" feel to them.
She then proceeded to give me all the details, including how he had invited us to his church. I made all the right noises, and ended the call, so I could get back to my 11 hour work day for a package delivery company. I won't tell you which one, but let's just say I had some short shorts.  That weekend, we talked about it some more, but upon finding out that the church locations were further away that the church we currently weren't' attending, I kind of put the matter to rest.
                See, we had been living in the eastern part of the Kansas City Metro, but through circumstances not entirely our own, we had to move into a (very) small rent house in KC proper. It's only pro was that is sat on 1 1/2 acres. On this we had spread our urban farm which contained many, many chickens, goats, ducks, heritage turkeys, and Bees.  Being on a main road, we attracted quite a bit of attention, especially when the goats would get out, and my Jenifer (wifey)  would have to chase them down with graham crackers. Of when our aracaunna chickens, which we named "the wild bunch" refused to stay in their enclosure, and roam the neighborhood, like a gang of feathered thugs.
 Since we were quite a ways from our church "home" we stopped going. Truthfully, it was a large church, unlike anything we had ever encountered, and did't feel very connected when we were going there, so it wasn't that big of a deal to us.  For us, at that time, church was a place you went.You went because you were supposed to. You went, you sang, you pretended to have given online when the offering plate went by, and waited for the next thing to come up that would entertain you. For both
Jenifer, and I it was the way it had always been. We both grew up in a small town, where church was just part of the landscape. People who didn't go to church were either backsliders (like us), of knew about God, rejected him, and were headed straight to an eternity of very dry heat.
  My lovely wife though, would not be deterred, and contacted the church we had been invited to, and  arranged for us to meet the pastor, of a new location that would,duh duh da! be opening on our side of the river.  She set the date, and I promptly forgot all about it.
