
Goat Petting.

"Excuse, me?" "Yeah, a guy doing road work stopped by, and wanted to know if he could pet our goats." Oddly enough, this was not that out of the ordinary, as far a conversations with my wife go. Our life, to this point, was a almost comical series of stories and experiences that all had a kind of "these people are full of shit" feel to them. She then proceeded to give me all the details, including how he had invited us to his church. I made all the right noises, and ended the call, so I could get back to my 11 hour work day for a package delivery company. I won't tell you which one, but let's just say I had some short shorts.  That weekend, we talked about it some more, but upon finding out that the church locations were further away that the church we currently weren't' attending, I kind of put the matter to rest.                 See, we had been living in the eastern part of the Kansas City Metro, but through circumstances not entire